Academic Results

End of Year Academic Results 2023

A level Results (Year 13 Class of 2023)

At TBS students generally take four AS levels in Year 12 and 3 full A levels in Year 13.

Cumulative number in each grade

The graduating class of 2023 did themselves proud with a TBS record of 40% of A level grades at either A* or A and an average valued-added of two-thirds of a grade above their CAT predicted grades. Four students completed four subjects and the remainder of the cohort completed courses in the standard entry of three A levels. 

Value Added Progress

TBS values the achievement of all students and whilst we celebrate students with the highest academic attainment, we put as much, if not more, priority on honouring students who have made the most progress compared to the baseline CAT data taken at the start of the AS courses.

Four students averaged more than two grades above their CAT predicted grades and a total of 14 of the 36 candidates averaged one grade higher than their CAT predictions in three or four A levels.


Nine students averaged a grade A or higher in all of their three or four exams whilst the top student in 2023 achieved A*A*A*A in their four subjects.

University Destinations

The most popular university choices for TBS students in 2023 were the USA (9 students), the UK (8 students) and Australia (5 students). Five students received scholarships to US universities, including one full scholarship and UK placements included economics at the University of Manchester and Royal Holloway, London, aerospace engineering also at Manchester and history at St Andrews.

AS level results (Year 12 Class of 2024)

Cumulative percentage in each grade

Value Added Progress

At AS 5 of the 38 students in the cohort achieved an average of one full grade higher than their CAT predicted grade.


Overall attainment was also very high with 11 students averaging grade B or higher across all their AS subjects and three students achieving 4 straight A grades.

GCSE Results (Year 11, Class of 2025)

Students at TBS generally take nine IGCSEs including English language, English literature, mathematics, science (double award), a world language (French, Spanish or Mandarin) and three other options of their own choice.

2023 marked the year when GCSE grading returned to its pre COVID levels. With 50% of all grades at A or A* TBS comfortable outperformed the UK average of 27% and the UK Independent School average of 47% A and A*. We are very proud of the achievements of our Year 11 from 2023.

Value Added Progress

At IGCSE 15 of the 39 students in the cohort achieved an average of one full grade higher than their CAT predicted grade and as a cohort the average value added across all IGCSE entries was + 0.80, the second highest value added score achieved by TBS, only beaten by the exceptional results awarded in 2022.


Overall attainment was also very high with 10 students achieving 7 or more grades at grade A or A* and five student achieving 5 or more  A* grades.

Internal End of Year Assessments

The following data records the academic performance of students in Year 7 to 10. 

All students at TBS take a baseline ability test (CAT test) at the beginning of each Key Stage which suggests academic target grades and more demanding challenge target grades for each student in each subject. At TBS teachers set students individual challenging targets in each subject which are generally higher than their CAT challenge grades. 

At the end of the year their teachers assess student progress towards these targets, awarding a Green Traffic Light to students who reach their targets. Students on an Orange Traffic Light end of year progress grade will have, in the vast majority of cases, met their target grade suggested by the CAT baseline assessment. 

Students are also graded in their Attitude to Learning. Attitude to learning does not depend on the grades achieved by the student but reflects their engagement of learning in class and their commitment to independent learning in homework tasks. 

The Value Added analysis shows how much above the CAT challenge grade TBS teachers have targeted the average TBS student (TG vs CATS challenge) as well as how much the average End of Year grade achieved was above the average CAT challenge target grade (EoY vs CATS challenge)

Studying these data tables will show how highly TBS teachers rate their students in terms of these key metrics.  

Year 10: Class of 2026

Key Stage 3

Year 9: Class of 2027

Year 8: Class of 2028

Year 7: Class of 2029