Welcome to The British School Physical Education & Sports

Sport in the curriculum

Physical Education is an important part of the curriculum at TBS. All Primary classes from Foundation 1 to Year 6 have two PE Lessons a week with the Physical Education teachers. In Early Years the focus is on introducing the children to a wide variety of equipment and activities, developing their basic skills and body awareness. In KS 1 students develop their individual skills to a higher level in all activities and begin to understand team games, rules and tactical awareness. In KS2 the students participate in Invasion games, Net games, Athletics and Striking & Fielding activities. They have the opportunity to apply their skills and tactics to game situations and develop their team work. All students throughout Primary will take part in Gymnastics and Dance lessons and from F2 through to Year 6 they will participate in Swimming lessons. Sports Day, Swim Galas and other Sporting house events compliment the Primary PE curriculum along with collaboration with the IPC!

Year 7 PE

This term the year 7 students are engaging in the following activities:

  • Zumba/Yoga: Ms. Gurung is leading the students through a variety of movements that develop physical and mental well-being.
  • Rounders: Students will be introduced to the sport of rounders. They will have the opportunity to develop the skills of striking, fielding and pitching. The basic tactics will be introduced and students will aim to implement these tactics into their own game play.
  • Basketball: Mrs. Malla will develop the basic skills of basketball, aiming to improve co-ordination and consistency. Students will have the opportunity for game-play and aim to apply the learnt skills under game pressure situations.

Year 8 PE

This term the year 8 students are engaging in the following activities:

  • Zumba/Yoga: Ms. Gurung is leading the students through a variety of movements that develop physical and mental well-being.
  • Rounders: Students will continue to develop the skills required for striking and fielding. Basic strategies and tactis will be taught and students will have the opportunity to increase their understanding of the strategies and tactics required to play rounders effectively
  • Basketball: Mrs. Malla will continue developing the basic skills of basketball. Students will focus on refining the basics of offence and defence and look to experiment with both “player on player” and “zone” defence.

Year 9 PE

This term the year 9 students are engaging in the following activities:

  • Zumba/Yoga – Ms. Gurung is leading the students through a variety of movements that develop physical and mental well-being.
  • Rounders: focussing on the development of players in preparation for the next U15 FOBISIA Games.
  • Basketball: Mrs. Mall is leading students through advanced skills in both static and dynamic situations. Students are increasing their game play experience and beginning to employ team strategies and tactics.


Pupils in KS4 will have the opportunity to choose the Sports Leaders pathway where they will work towards achieving the Level 2 Award in Sports Leadership. This will give learners the chance to develop their organisation, motivation and communication skills, whilst also focusing on positive role models in sport, how to mentor others, and how to use leadership skills in a variety of settings.

This course is a recognised UK qualification and is held in high regard by colleges and employers and is offered as a pathway for pupils in year 10 to follow through to the end of year 11. The course at TBS will be linked to local schools where our pupils will work with partners and in small groups to assist and lead sports sessions and also organise and run numerous sporting and multi-skills sessions. This will cover the required hours of voluntary work for the course, promote sport and physical activity within the school and maintain a tight relationship with our community partners. The Sport Leaders will also be expected to help with organising, officiating and running TBS inter-house events.

The syllabus provides learners with an opportunity to study both the practical and theoretical aspects of physical education. It is designed to encourage enjoyment in physical activity by providing learners with an opportunity to take part in a range of physical activities and develop an understanding of effective and safe physical performance. This helps learners to develop an appreciation of the necessity for sound understanding of the principles, practices and training that underpin improved performance, better health and well-being.

Have a keen interest in sport and always look forward to PE? Take part in sport outside of school? Want to follow a course that develops knowledge and understanding through practical involvement? Want to know more about the benefits of sport and exercise? Want to improve your own performance in a range of sports roles? Want to study a course that is active and that you will enjoy?

If so IGCSE PE could be for you!

Content and assessment overview

The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Physical Education consists of two externally-examined papers and two non-examined assessments.

Components 1 and 2 will be assessed in May/June in any single year. Components 3 and 4 may be assessed at any point during the course, with marks submitted by the centre prior to moderation. Moderation will take place in the same year as the written examinations.

Subject Content


Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology


Students will understand the anatomical/structural and physiological/functional roles performed in the identified systems of the body. They will understand how the controlled stress of exercise will affect the systems and the way that the affect is measured. The topic will cover how different stresses/types of exercise will bring about both acute responses and chronic adaptations.

The principles of Newton’s Three Laws of Motion – force, centre of mass and stability – will also be covered and are essential to a student’s understanding of how sporting technique and performance can be improved.

  • Muscular Skeletal System
  • Cardiorespiratory System
  • Neuromuscular System

Topic 2: Exercise physiology and applied movement analysis


Students will understand the importance of diet and nutrition pre-, during and post-physical activity. They will also study fatigue and recovery, which will build from their knowledge of energy systems in Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology.

Students will gain an understanding of how to apply knowledge of energy systems and how to train, maintain and improve their performance. This includes an understanding of fitness components, methods of training and physiological adaptations.

  • Diet and nutrition and their effect on physical activity and performance
  • Preparation and training methods in relation to maintaining and improving physical activity and performance

Component 2: Psychological and Social Principles of Physical Education

Topic 3: Skill acquisition


Students are required to show an understanding of the nature and development of skills in sport. This understanding could be enhanced and developed through applied practical experiences in the role of either coach and/or performer. Students should have an awareness of the relevant learning theories and how they relate to skill development. Students are expected to be able to relate knowledge of practices, feedback and guidance to practical performance situations. Students should be able to understand how quantitative data can be generated in appropriate areas of skill acquisition and be able to produce and evaluate the meaning of such data.

  • Coach and Performer
  • The classification and transfer of skills
  • Learning theories
  • Practices
  • Guidance
  • Feedback

Edexcel GCSE and GCE 2014

Topic 4: Sport psychology


Students will have an understanding of the role that sports psychology has in facilitating optimal sporting performance of an individual athlete, sports teams and individuals in the teams. Students will understand the different psychological views, theories and perspectives, as indicated in the specification, and be able to apply this understanding by way of explanation to behaviours that ultimately affect sporting performance. Central to this topic will be the ongoing debate offering explanations between either nature or nurture or the interaction of both.

Factors that can influence an individual in physical activities

Dynamics of a group/team and how they can influence the performance of an individual and /or team

Goal setting

Edexcel GCSE and GCE 2014

Topic 5: Sport and society


Students will understand the dynamic relationship between sport and society. They will understand the parallels between societal changes and sport and will utilise this knowledge and understanding to consider historical and contemporary events and trends and potential future developments. Students will understand the impact of sport on society and of society on sport.

  • The factors leading to the emergence and development of modern day sport
  • Globalisation of sport
  • Participation and health of the nation