Safeguarding and Child Protection

The British School of Kathmandu is committed to the protection and safety of all students. All staff and visitors will be expected to comply with our Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures and policies. 

All our staff and our wider community have a strong commitment to child protection and safeguarding. Our staff undergo comprehensive training and are fully vetted.(IPC, DBS basic, Prohibition orders and relevant  police checks. All members of staff have received Level 1 training and receive regular refresher training. All members of the Extended Leadership Team have received Level 3 training

Safeguarding is, therefore, crucial to our role as educators. As a school, we use the highest levels of safeguarding practice to ensure that:

  • we respond to concerns or disclosures incidents of abuse or harm with due care and professionalism;
  • we support our students emotionally and practically throughout their school lives and beyond;
  • our recruitment procedures are thorough and we hire staff who are safe to work with children;
  • we educate our students in how to keep themselves safe;
  • our campus is a safe place to be.


TBS is committed to the prevention of Child Abuse and to the Safeguarding and protection of children. This commitment means that the interests and welfare of children are our prime consideration when any decision is made about suspected cases of abuse or neglect. 

As a school, we draw guidance on how to approach safeguarding matters from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,we also use relevant guidance from including: Keeping Children Safe in Education, NSPCC and the British Gurkhas Nepal (BGN).The Governing Body has the responsibility to ensure that TBS complies with Safeguarding duties under legislation from the UK, Nepal and the international bodies that accredit TBS or award membership on the basis of strong compliance (BSO OFSTED, FOBISIA & COBIS). There is a dedicated Safeguarding Governor and Governors as a whole approve all policies produced by school.

If you have a safeguarding concern you would like to raise, please email our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Vice Principal; Pauline Gradden. All Safeguarding and Child protection concerns are overseen by the Principal; Ms. Caroline Drumm


TBS has a dedicated school counsellor who provides confidential support to our students, teachers and school community. Our counsellor is a confidential advocate for each student through individual counselling sessions that cover a broad range of challenges e.g. social, educational, developmental, emotional and behavioural.

The School Counsellor Is Involved In:

  • Supporting and being responsive to students following a concern and/or a disclosure
  • Following up on student-referrals from students, teachers or parents
  • Liaising with the Secondary and Primary Safeguarding team
  • Crisis management and intervention
  • Organising external referrals when needed
  • Parental Education and support; through information sessions or individually
  • Student mentoring education programmes
  • Transition programmes
  • Well being committee